Thank you Greta Vansusteren, KSHB, FOX, Channel 9
(and others)
For airing Star's Case!
We hope to bring Star and Renee home soon!
Missing Person Alert
$5000 REWARD
Star G. Boomer (Hurtie)- Victim
Date of Birth: 2-15-1960
5 foot 4 inches, 140 pounds, blue eyes, blonde hair
Last known address: 1737 South 49th Street Kansas City, Kansas
On the evening of February 23, 1999, Ms. Star Boomer was patron of Uncle Mike's Bar at 49th and Metropolitan in Kansas City, Kansas. Witnesses say she was involved in a violent altercation with a man believed to be lifelong criminal with a history of violent behavior, particularly toward women. At one point during the evening, Ms. Boomer allegedly was knocked to the ground, causing her to lose consciousness, by 'Gino Spradlin' of Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri. She was allegedly given a substance by 'Shon Pernice' while inside the bar, and subsequently carried out by 'Gino Spradlin' and Robert Horn "Butchie" of Kansas City Kansas/Missouri. Ms. Boomer has not been seen or heard from since that date.
The witness accounts that Shon Pernice administered a substance to Star Boomer before her disappearance along with the current developments in the Missing "Renee Pernice" case in Kansas City, Missouri raises many questions. Investigators believe several individuals may have knowledge and information to help solve this crime, but witnesses have not yet come forward with enough evidence to proceed with an arrest or prosecution.
If you have any information on this case, or know 'any' of the individuals named above, and would like to help generate leads to help find "Star Boomers" remains, please do not hesitate to write:
On the evening of February 23, 1999, Ms. Star Boomer was patron of Uncle Mike's Bar at 49th and Metropolitan in Kansas City, Kansas. Witnesses say she was involved in a violent altercation with a man believed to be lifelong criminal with a history of violent behavior, particularly toward women. At one point during the evening, Ms. Boomer allegedly was knocked to the ground, causing her to lose consciousness, by 'Gino Spradlin' of Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri. She was allegedly given a substance by 'Shon Pernice' while inside the bar, and subsequently carried out by 'Gino Spradlin' and Robert Horn "Butchie" of Kansas City Kansas/Missouri. Ms. Boomer has not been seen or heard from since that date.
The witness accounts that Shon Pernice administered a substance to Star Boomer before her disappearance along with the current developments in the Missing "Renee Pernice" case in Kansas City, Missouri raises many questions. Investigators believe several individuals may have knowledge and information to help solve this crime, but witnesses have not yet come forward with enough evidence to proceed with an arrest or prosecution.
If you have any information on this case, or know 'any' of the individuals named above, and would like to help generate leads to help find "Star Boomers" remains, please do not hesitate to write:
Your tips and identity/handle will be kept anonymous.
This site was created to assist those who may have information to come forward. If you watch the news, the information contained in this post is mirrored.
You may use this site to discuss, and to report any information you may have.